Reverse Engineer Your Creative Career

Reverse Engineer Your Creative Career

Meditation is an important tool I use for starting the process of aligning with the creative career I desire. I find meditation allows me to directly connect to my most authentic self and enables me to clearly visualize a big vision or goal. 

Meditations I Enjoy: Joe Dispenza, To Be Magnetic, Aaron Doughty

Once I have calmed my nervous system and quieted my ego I envision the goals I aim to achieve, what my perfect day looks like and how I want to feel in my "dream creative career".

Next I complete two of my favorite journaling exercises.

An initial prompt I call The Creative Career Timeline. You'll start by drawing a starting point on the left side of the paper. Title this point "Here and Now". On the far right side of the page draw another dot and list the goal or goals you are calling in. In the middle of these two points write down key moments you'd like to happen in the timeline of achieving. Next, I examine each moment on the timeline and see which tasks I can accomplish in the here and now. 

As an additional journaling exercise you can write down your list of "expanders". Expanders are people who have exemplified elements of the career you are wanting to create. Next to each name write which elements of their career you admire and want to incorporate into your own. Use your expanders as motivation and affirmation. If they did it, you can too! 

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